what would be the economic impact of a boycott of Russian resources on European countries?


France info

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Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Europe has been sanctioning Russia. But can France and other European countries do without Russian coal and gas?

In the event of an embargo on Russian gas, the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of France would fall by 0.15 to 0.30%, explains journalist Sofia Dollé. “In concrete terms, this would mean a drop in the production of wealth of up to 100 euros per inhabitant and per year”she says.

For its part, Germany would be more economically impacted because it is even more dependent on Russia. The decline in wealth production could reach 900 euros per German per year. Finland, Lithuania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria are much more dependent than France. Their GDP could decrease by up to 5%, informs Sofia Dollé.

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