“What worries me a little bit is that 3.5 million people have not received their booster dose”

While the wearing of the mask indoors and the application of the vaccine pass end on Monday March 14, Robert Sebbag, infectious disease specialist, however estimated that there was “no major concern” to be had.

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“What worries me a little bit is that 3.5 million people have not received their booster dose”, said Friday, March 11, on franceinfo, Robert Sebbag, infectious disease specialist at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris, while the number of contaminations is rising again in France a few days before a reduction in health constraints. There is, however, according to him, “no major concerns” to deal with the current situation.

“We know that fragile people have not received the booster dose and we know that it is this dose that protects against serious forms. We really have to convince them to get vaccinated.”

Robert Sebbag

at franceinfo

The BA.2 variant is “becoming dominant” in France, says Robert Sebbag. “More contagious than the Omicron variant”it represents “more than 50% of the infected”according to the infectious disease specialist. “We see that there are many reinfections of people vaccinated or who have had the Omicron variant. The immunity transmitted by Omicron is very short, which is a little worrying”.

72,399 new cases of Covid-19 have been detected in the past 24 hours in France, according to the latest data published by Public Health France on Friday. “When you look at the numbers, you still have an increase of 25 to 28%”warns the doctor. “The R0 was at 0.5, it went up to 0.8, there is still a trend.”

“You should know that we test a lot less”indicates Robert Sebbag who also notes “stability in terms of hospitalizations. But you always have to wait because you have people infected yesterday or today who can arrive in hospital after a while”.

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