What will the return to radio and television look like?

Thomas Sotto on RTL, “Slam” entrusted to disabled swimmer Théo Curin, uncertainties surrounding Cyril Hanouna, what will the new 2024-2025 back-to-school schedules be?

Co-presenter of “Télématin” on France 2 since 2021, Thomas Sotto leaves the air and joins RTL radio where he replaces Yves Calvi in ​​the morning. The latter takes over the 6 p.m.-8 p.m. slot with journalist Agnès Bonfillon.

Flavie Flament is going the other way: she is leaving RTL for “Télématin”, where she replaces Marie Portolano. The “Télématin” presentation duo will therefore be completely renewed, even if we still don’t know who will succeed Thomas Sotto.

Another RTL figure, Alba Ventura also joins a morning TV show, “Bonjour!”, on TF1.

Finally, in an attempt to make up for its audience deficit on France Inter, RTL has recruited Faustine Bollaert, who is popular with the public. She will host a show called “Héros” in the early evening, while retaining “It starts today” on France 2.

Star host of France Télévisions, Cyril Féraud leaves “Slam” on France 3 after fifteen years, and takes over “Tout le monde veut prendre sa place” on France 2, succeeding Jarry. Cyril Féraud, however, keeps “Duels en familles”, broadcast on France 3 before “Slam”.

A mainstay of the France 3 schedule, “Slam” will now be presented by disabled swimmer Théo Curin, who has had all four limbs amputated. This is the first time that a disabled person has hosted such a mainstream show. “This was unthinkable just a few years ago. This proves that things are changing.”assured Théo Curin to the newspaper Parisian/Today in France in June.

On France’s leading news channel, now closely followed by CNews and bought by the shipping company CMA CGM, the change comes from the top: Marc-Olivier Fogiel, its general manager, will be replaced by Fabien Namias, until now number 2 at the competing channel LCI.

On air, the main new features are the replacement of Yves Calvi by Benjamin Duhamel at 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., and the arrival of Éric Brunet at 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., to compete with Pascal Praud on CNews.

One stays, the other arrives, both surprise. A figure of humor on France Inter, Charline Vanhoenacker is back in the morning for a daily slot. Her weekly show The great Sunday evening is not renewed: its star comedian, Guillaume Meurice, was fired in June because of a controversial joke about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.I decided to resist from within,” has it justified itself in everyday life? The World in July.

Another surprise was the return of Patrick Cohen as political columnist for the morning show, which he had presented from 2010 to 2017. Until then, the editorial was provided by Yaël Goosz, head of the political department. Shocked by this surprise change, the editorial team voted in July a motion of no confidence against the director of Inter, Adèle Van Reeth.

Cyril Hanouna and the C8 channel have assured us: his daily live show “Touche pas à mon poste” will return on September 2. But what will happen after February 28, 2025, the date on which broadcasting on his channel is due to stop?

Arcom, the audiovisual regulator, has not renewed C8’s frequency on this date. This is a sanction for the host’s multiple slip-ups, which have earned the channel 7.6 million euros in fines over eight years. According to persistent rumors, Cyril Hanouna could be reprogrammed on Canal+ after the end of C8. Both channels belong to the Canal+ group, itself integrated into Vivendi, controlled by billionaire Vincent Bolloré. The Canal+ group has not commented on these rumors.

Although its disappearance after twenty-five years of existence had been announced, the “Magazine de la santé” has finally been renewed on France 5, after a major campaign of support from doctors.

The show will however restart without its iconic presenter, Marina Carrère d’Encausse: Doctor Jimmy Mohamed will now be alone at the controls.

After the failure of his experiment on BFMTV last year, Laurent Ruquier is relaunching on TF1 with a new game, “Project H”.

M6 has recruited the former actress of “Plus belle la vie”, Laëtitia Milot, for “The best pastry chef”. And Valérie Damidot joins France Bleu for a mid-day game.

Finally, the former columnist of “Daily” Lilia Hassaine will present a literary program on France Inter.

The latest new feature of the new school year is the disappearance of the oldest TV game show in France, “Des chiffres et des lettres” (Numbers and Letters).. Created in 1972, it was only broadcast on weekends. Patrice Laffont, who presented it until 1989, died at the beginning of August.

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