The strike is over. All Quebec students were back at school on Tuesday. Will the school year be longer? Will you lose vacation time? We answer your questions!
Quebec Minister of Education Bernard Drainville presented his catch-up plan on Tuesday. This plan aims to help students who have missed school days due to strikes by teachers and support staff.
How will students catch up?
Schools will be able to offer after-school tutoring and specialized help to students who need it. Teachers will provide this tutoring, but retired teachers or teaching students could also lend a hand.
Until January 19, teachers will assess the needs of their students. If your teacher judges that you need help, he or she will contact your parents to find solutions.
Will there still be a week off?
There will be no classes during spring break. However, it is possible that, in your school, catch-up activities will be offered during this week.
What happens to pedagogical days?
If your teachers have been on strike for a month, it is possible that a few teaching days will disappear from your calendar. Your teachers’ union, called the FAE, is evaluating the idea of transforming certain holidays into school days. But nothing has been confirmed yet.
Will the ministry exams still take place?
Yes, but a little later than usual. We plan to postpone them for two to seven days to allow teachers to cover as much material as possible.
In addition, the ministry exams (also called “ministerial tests”) will count for only 10% of your final grade, instead of 20%.
Will summer vacations be shorter?
Do not worry ! School will be finished on June 24.
Caroline Bouffard
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