what will the plates of tomorrow look like?



Article written by

A. Jolly, E. Prigent, JC. Martin, C. de Chassey – France 2

France Televisions

Hunt for waste, revolution in packaging and ingredients… The consumer is now demanding an eco-responsible conscience. What should we expect on the plates of the future? Direction the research center of the Paul Bocuse Institute, in Lyon.

How will we feed ourselves in the future? The question also sounds like a challenge: that of feeding 10 billion human beings by 2050. The future could well be insects. At the Paul-Bocuse Institute, near Lyon (Rhône), chef Julien Ferreti, in charge of culinary projects, is thinking about the food of tomorrow. According to him, insects have several advantages: they are rich in protein, and have taste. “We are not in a position to promote insects, but above all to position ourselves in 50 years”he explains. Chef Marie Natalazio cooks with insects for the first time. “In the end, in the mouth, it’s quite pleasant”she assures.

A few meters away, customers are having lunch under the gaze of the cameras. Audrey Cosson, food science researcher, observes their behavior and reactions. With the help of cooks, she carries out tests. “The idea is to show the consumer that ultimately, we can vary the ratio of animal protein versus a ratio of vegetable protein, while maintaining a similar appetite, a similar customer satisfaction”, she explains. Indeed, they saw nothing but fire. “As long as it’s good, it’s good”, comments one of them. Eating better also means wasting less. Also, qWhen he cooks pumpkin, Davy Tissot, Bocuse d’Or 2021, uses the flesh, but also the skin and seeds. Avoid throwing has even become a criterion in competitions.

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