We have barely moved to 5G and Free and Orange are announcing 5G+ offers. This will not change much for ordinary people, whether in terms of speed or coverage. But there are still some improvements to note.
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With 5G+, downloads will be even faster. But they were already faster with classic 5G and even with 4G. The real problem consumers face today is not speed, it’s coverage. However, in this area, 5G+ will bring nothing.
It does, however, promise a faster connection to make a call, as well as better sound quality. This is a good thing, but it is particularly game-changing since only a handful of phones are compatible. Very high-end models, in addition…
The interest of this 5G+ mainly concerns businesses and professionals. As the network is really faster and much more stable, it allows wireless equipment to be connected, with the same performance as on fiber, which is a wired connection. This will therefore allow the most critical applications to switch wirelessly, such as a telemedicine operation, for example.
It is important to understand that the current 5G has always been an intermediate step. The antennas have switched to 5G, but the network itself still relied on the 4G infrastructure. Time to design a network optimized in 5G from end to end. It is now done, and this is what we call “real 5G” or 5G+. Free and Orange are the first to switch. SFR and Bouygues should follow suit in the coming months.
The main new feature is that operators will now offer 5G+ boxes as an alternative to fiber. Today, there are already 4G or 5G boxes. But they are mainly used in areas where you only have access to the very low speeds of ADSL, or as a backup box when the main one is down.
With 5G+, these boxes will have the same performance as fiber boxes, which will give consumers more choice. The 5G+ box has the advantage of not requiring you to dig holes or run cables throughout the house.