what will happen after the enactment of the law?

Emmanuel Macron promulgated this highly contested law overnight from Friday to Saturday. But the oppositions intend to continue their mobilization.

And now ? The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, promulgated the pension reform, on the night of Friday April 14 to Saturday April 15, the last stage of an eventful legislative journey. A way to move on and outrun opposition. But neither the inter-union nor the elected representatives of the left intend to put an end to the mobilization against the reform.

>> #OnVousRépond: what does the pension reform, promulgated by Emmanuel Macron, change?

Franceinfo takes stock of the calendar for the coming weeks.

Monday April 17: a speech by the President of the Republic at 8 p.m.

Emmanuel Macron will speak on the latest events related to pension reform, Monday at 8 p.m., the Élysée announced to franceinfo. Emmanuel Macron had also planned to receive the inter-union on Tuesday at the Elysée, but the latter refuses to meet the President of the Republic before May 1, the day of the workers’ day and traditional meeting of mobilization. “Relationships will take time to warm up”says Renaissance MP Charles Sitzenstuhl. “It is necessary that’[Emmanuel Macron] make an ’20 hours’ and a series of trips in the provinces, that he speaks to ‘France of the territories’estimates for its part a ministerial adviser.

May 1: the inter-union plans “an exceptional day of mobilization”

For the inter-union, the movement “is not finished”. United for three months against the pension reform, the unions plan to organize “an exceptional day of mobilization” for May 1st. Thursday, April 13, the 12th day of action delivered the second lowest mobilization score since the beginning of the movement (380,000 demonstrators according to the Ministry of the Interior, 1.5 million according to the CGT).

The left opposition also met on Workers’ Day. For La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon evoked a “Decisive May 1st”accusing the Constitutional Council of having “aggravated the crisis”. “We must really bring together all the forces that want to oppose so that the last word goes to popular sovereignty and not to the presidential monarchy”he said on his YouTube channel.

May 3: the Constitutional Council considers the second draft RIP

The Constitutional Council will rule on May 3 on the second draft referendum of shared initiative (RIP) aimed at thwarting the reform, after the rejection on Friday of the first attempt made by left-wing parliamentarians. This second request will attempt to remedy the flaws of the first version, and some on the left place reasonable hopes in it, such as the Socialist senators. Socialist deputies and senators have also already announced their intention to table a legislative text calling for the repeal of the pension reform.

September 1: entry into application of the law

The law, which will gradually raise the legal retirement age to 64, is due to come into force on September 1. Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt said state services and pension funds “are fully mobilized to implement the reform on September 1 and ensure that users are properly informed”.

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