Article written by

the journalist Guillaume Daret, live from Figeac, in the Lot, Friday April 22, clarifies Emmanuel Macron’s agenda as the second round of the presidential election approaches.
What is Emmanuel Macron’s program until Sunday April 24, the date of the second round of the presidential election? “Emmanuel Macron could take the direction of Le Touquet [Pas-de-Calais] this evening, that’s what a member of his team told me this morning. It’s not fully arbitrated, but it’s a possibility that is clearly being considered.”reports journalist Guillaume Daret, live from Figeac (Lot) for the 13 Hours of France 2, Friday April 22.
The outgoing president could allow himself a few hours of rest in the family home. “Sunday, at the end of the morning, still in Le Touquet, he will go to vote. Then, Sunday afternoon, return to Paris, and it is from his office, at the Élysée, that he will wait for the first results, surrounded by his closest advisors”continues the journalist, who specifies that La République en Marche will also hold a “enlarged political committee to fix the famous elements of language of those who will then intervene on television and radio sets”. After 8 p.m. “It is at the foot of the Eiffel Tower that Emmanuel Macron will speak since it is at the Champ-de-Mars that he wanted to gather his support”.