Video length: 2 min
The NFP proposes Lucie Castets to Matignon: what will Emmanuel Macron do?
While Emmanuel Macron called for a “political truce” during the Olympic Games, the New Popular Front proposed, on Tuesday, July 23, a name for the post of Prime Minister. It is Lucie Castets, a senior civil servant.
(France 2)
While Emmanuel Macron called for a “political truce” during the Olympic Games, the New Popular Front proposed, on Tuesday, July 23, a name for the post of Prime Minister. It is Lucie Castets, a senior civil servant.
Lucie Castets: this is the woman that the New Popular Front (NFP) proposed for the post of Prime Minister, one hour before the interview with the Head of State and after two weeks of intense negotiations. A senior civil servant in the city of Paris, she is unknown to the general public. The NFP presents her as an active figure in the struggles for public services, and committed to opposing retirement at 64. “The first choice is because he is a person of conviction, and comes from civil society”explained Arthur Delaporte, PS deputy for Calvados.
The leader of the Greens, Marine Tondelier, was delighted, as was Manuel Bompard, the coordinator of France Insoumise, who affirmed that “The various NFP formations are at his side in this battle”. In recent weeks, Emmanuel Macron has been looking more towards the Republican right and Laurent Wauquiez, who proposed a legislative pact, while refusing to participate in a coalition. The president, focused on the Olympic Games, also does not want to urgently appoint a Prime Minister. On Monday, July 22, he asked for a “Olympic and political truce”.