what will be their future missions?

The national police is launching a major recruitment campaign, with the aim of catching up in this area with the gendarmerie.

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The police launch a major recruitment campaign for reservists. It hopes to eventually recruit a pool of 30,000 citizen police officers. They will wear the same uniform as the police, will be equipped with a weapon and will carry out field missions, explains Commissioner Sonia Fibleuil, spokesperson for the national police.

“Reservist citizens will be able to join our ranks to patrol on public roads for, have road safety missions, emergency police missions, even sometimes in the judicial police, according to their specialties, diplomas and skills.”

Sonia Fibleuil, curator

at franceinfo

“The primary objective is truly to open the ranks of the national police to the population, to promote these police-population links, to strengthen these links so that everyone can actually understand our missions and experience them from the inside”develops Sonia Fibleuil.

The police also intend to catch up in this area with the gendarmerie. The first reservists selected – via the already online platform, devenirpolicier.com – will be trained this summer.

Several conditions must be met: candidates must be between 18 and 67 years old and have a clean criminal record. They will also have to submit to an administrative security investigation and an oral to integrate this operational reserve of the police. Then will follow a one-month training to learn the techniques of arrest, but also learn to use a weapon that will have to be returned after each mission. The police hope to recruit and train nearly 2,000 reservists by the end of the year.

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