what will be the tone of Emmanuel Macron’s speech in Pithiviers?



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France commemorates, on Sunday July 17, the roundup of the Vél d’Hiv, symbol of the deportation of Jews under the occupation. In the afternoon, Emmanuel Macron will inaugurate a new place of memory, in the old station of Pithiviers, from where eight convoys left for Auschwitz-Birkenau. The point with the journalist, Jeff Wittenberg.

Emmanuel Macron will inaugurate, Sunday July 17, a new place of memory, in the old station of Pithiviers (Loiret), from where left several convoys for Auschwitz-Birkenau (Poland). What will be the tone of the president’s speech? “For Emmanuel Macron, (…) it is first of all a matter of recalling that the context has changed since 1995, the year when Jacques Chirac was the first president to recognize France’s responsibility in the Val d’Hiv roundup.“, says journalist Jeff Wittenberg, live from Pithiviers.

The president will speak out on the rise of anti-Semitism in French society”through the anti-Semitic acts themselves, which are numerous each year, but also through a more insidious anti-Semitism, which is very worrying, explains the entourage of the Head of State, in particular on social networks“, reports the journalist. Emmanuel Macron should therefore double his “historical review“of one”warning against revisionism“.

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