what will be the future face of the assembly?


France 3

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The new government will only have three weeks to prove itself before the first round of legislative elections. This is the last day, Friday May 20, for the submission of applications. From now on, court cases count as much as the experience and competence of the candidates. Caroline Motte presents the legislative campaign newspaper, on the set of 12/13.

The deadline for submitting candidacies for the first round of the legislative elections has been set for Friday 20 May. Candidates targeted by justice will not be able to be candidates. This is the case of Thierry Solère, political adviser to Emmanuel Macron. Indicted on thirteen counts, he “will ultimately not be a candidate in the Hauts-de-Seine”, indicates Caroline Motte on the set of 12/13, in her “Legislative campaign journal”. Sentenced for domestic violence, Jérôme Peyrat, in Dordogne, will also have to withdraw his candidacy. “On the other hand, the outgoing deputy of Seine-Maritime Sira Sylla is invested, despite the accusations of moral harassment”, according to the journalist.

The polling dates for the legislative elections are June 12 and 19. “577 deputies are elected by direct universal suffrage. There are as many deputies as constituencies”, says Caroline Motte. They are the ones who pass the laws and who control the action of the government. “The Republic on the move could get the majority of seats and just behind it is the New Popular Ecological and Social Union which would win between 100 and 185 seats, far ahead of the Republicans and the National Rally”, reports Caroline Motte.

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