what will be Emmanuel Macron’s strategy for the rest of his mandate?


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

H. Capelli, L. Seux, C. Graziani, C. Méral, A. Bourse, G. Daret, A. Mezmorian, A. Dupont, O. Darmostoupe, G. Liaboeuf – France 2

France Televisions

After three months of social conflict linked to the controversial pension reform, how can the head of state relaunch his five-year term?

Monday April 17, Emmanuel Macron will speak for a solemn address at 8 p.m. After three months of social conflict linked to the pension reform, each of the words of the Head of State will be scrutinized closely. On Saturday April 15, in Paris, the presidential party organized a National Council. Elisabeth Borne has already outlined her desire to open a new chapter. “In the weeks and months to come, around the President of the Republic, we are determined to accelerate (the reforms)”said the Prime Minister.

“We need interlocutors”

Accelerating reforms, a way to relaunch Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term. Among the construction sites, the hardship at work or the employment of seniors. But there is a downside. “We need interlocutors, we have to find them”, judge the entourage of Elisabeth Borne. A meeting was proposed to the unions, Tuesday, April 18, at the Elysee. But it is out of the question for them to attend in this context.

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