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Valérie Pécresse, Les Républicains candidate for the 2022 presidential election, was the guest of the “4 Vérités” of France 2, Wednesday 12 January.
The government has once again adapted the health protocol in schools. Despite this simplification, 75% of primary school teachers could go on strike Thursday, January 13. “What we see is general disorder and chaos in the school“, estimated Valérie Pécresse, candidate The Republicans in the presidential election of 2022, invited on the set of “4 Truths”, Wednesday. “This mess it could have been avoided“, she said, in particular by postponing the start of the school year as she had recently suggested.
“I had made this proposal, which was a proposal of wisdom, which was, as I had proposed in 2021 (…), it was to push back [la rentrée] of a week (…), first of all to take the time to listen to everyone and to make the protocol with the teachers and parents. But also, and above all, to flatten the contaminations curve“, continued the president of the Île-de-France region. For her, keeping schools open is”a fiction“:”Even the mayors are forced to shut them down. ”