what we know about the violent accident

In Mayenne, the weekend was marked by a dramatic road accident in the Marigné-Peuton sector, near Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne, shortly before 4 a.m. this Sunday. A collision between two cars of extreme violence. According to a local resident present at the scene after the accident, one of the cars finished its race “vertical to the roadway, nose planted in the bitumen“, the four wheels no longer touched the ground. Impressive traces are still visible on the departmental road 22, at the exit of Laigné. Sand to hide the traces of gasoline, pieces of sheet metal on the ground on the low side.

Analysis carried out on Monday

The accident occurred on a false rising flat. A track yet wide enough with a speed limited to 90 km / h. We do not know the reasons for this tragedy, toxicological analyzes will be carried out during the day on the bodies of the three victims. The rescuers stayed for nearly two hours to extricate the two boys and the young girl.

The couple in the first car is from Fromentières. The gendarmes announced the terrible news to the families by going to their homes directly, in the early morning. The last time a road accident killed three people in Mayenne was in 2016 in Ahuillé, again with a frontal collision between two vehicles.

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