what we know about the sexual assault charges against the former minister

“I won’t speak again.” Nicolas Hulot announced, Wednesday, November 24, his intention to leave “definitely public life”. A decision taken on the eve of the broadcast, Thursday evening, of a number of “Special Envoy” in which several women accuse him of sexual assault. The former Minister of the Ecological Transition and former television host, for his part, denied these accusations, which he believes “lies”. Here is what we know about this case.

Several women claim that Nicolas Hulot tried to kiss them

The magazine of France 2 in particular collected the testimony of Sylvia, who had just turned 16 when she met Nicolas Hulot, in May 1989. She affirms that he sexually assaulted her in his car. “He wanted me to kiss him, to kiss his cock. He forces me to give him a blowjob, which I don’t really do because I think I’m paralyzed”, she says.

>> Watch the replay of the magazine “Special Envoy” in which several women accuse Nicolas Hulot of sexual assault

Cécile claims to have been sexually assaulted in 1998, in Moscow, where she worked. At the end of an evening with members of the team of the show “Ushuaïa”, the young woman, then 23 years old, affirms that Nicolas Hulot “thrown” over her, tried to kiss her and touched her “the breasts” and “the crotch”.

The journalists of “Special Envoy” also heard the testimony of a former collaborator who claims to have been kissed “by force” by Nicolas Hulot, after a working meeting, in 2001. The magazine also gives the floor to the environmental activist Claire Nouvian, who participated in the filming of an episode of “Ushuaia” in 2008. At the time, she ensures in particular that Nicolas Hulot’s entourage had warned her about the behavior of the host vis-à-vis women.

In addition, two written testimonies were also transmitted to “Special Envoy”, including that of Maureen Dor. The Belgian host and actress says that in 1989 Nicolas Hulot told her “jumped on” and a “tried to kiss her” against his will. She was then 18 years old. In addition, a former employee of TF1 recounts, on condition of anonymity, having met the host “in the early 1990s”, when she was 23 years old. She also claims to have been sexually assaulted by the television host. All the facts described by these women are prescribed.

Nicolas Hulot denies and evokes “false” accusations

Even before the broadcast of the number of “Special Envoy”, Nicolas Hulot defended himself Wednesday morning on BFMTV. The former host assured that he had not been informed of the details of the charges, citing the testimony of “four or five women”. On the set of the chain, Nicolas Hulot has not ceased to proclaim his innocence. “I have never seduced by duress”, he assured.

“Neither near nor far have I committed these acts. These claims are purely false. I say this here once and for all, firmly and definitively.”

Nicolas Hulot, November 24, 2021


“On the pretext that these cases are time-barred, I no longer have the right to an investigation. I will be accused of felony and misdemeanor”, he again lambasted.

The former minister did not wish to answer the questions of the journalists of France 2 in front of the camera. “Justice and truth cannot spring up on a television set”, he said on BFMTV. Nicolas Hulot, however, had a telephone exchange with the presenter of “Special Envoy”, Elise Lucet, on November 9. He then told her that he never had “coerced into anything, anyone”. He added to be “innocent, (…) innocent in a way you can’t even imagine”.

In addition to his retirement from public life, Nicolas Hulot also announced that he was stepping down as president of his eponymous foundation. “I am leaving my engagement and I will not speak again, he insisted. I will no longer speak because I no longer recognize myself in this society, nor in its codes. “

A complaint for “rape” filed in 2008

This is not the first time that Nicolas Hulot has been implicated in a case of sexual violence. In February 2018, the magazine Ebdo, which has since ceased to appear, had revealed the existence of a complaint for “rape” filed in 2008 against the former TV host. This had been closed without follow-up, because the acts denounced, which date back to 1997, were “prescribed”, had then confirmed the prosecution of Saint-Malo.

At the time, the one who was then Minister of the Ecological Transition also had “taken the lead” by speaking on BFMTV, even before the publication of the revelations of‘Ebdo. Nicolas hulot had then defended himself against any inappropriate behavior and rumors “ignominious”.

The magazine’s investigation had been the subject of criticism, in particular because of the lack of information on the nature and circumstances of the acts alleged against Nicolas Hulot. The article also did not mention the complainant’s name. Faced with revelations from other media, Pascale Mitterrand, granddaughter of François Mitterrand, had finally confirmed to be the author of the complaint, but “she never wanted to publicize” the case.

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