what we know about the pony accident which left 17 injured, including two children who were seriously affected

The center equestrian in the Haute Hairie area (Ille-et-Vilaine) is in shock. In his last press point, Wednesday July 19 in the evening, the public prosecutor of Rennes specified that two young girls were still seriously injured after a stampede of ponies. Thirteen other children were also more slightly injured, as were two summer camp leaders. Franceinfo takes stock of what we know the day after this accident.

A stampede and hoof kicks

The accident took place Tuesday around 8:45 p.m., in a summer camp at the equestrian center of Saint-M’Hervé, near Vitré (Ille-et-Vilaine). The group of 25 children, aged 7 to 14, supervised by their leaders, were bringing about twenty ponies back to the meadow for the night, at the end of a walk when “one of the ponies, probably the lead one, turned around for some undetermined reason, followed by others”explained the prosecutor of Rennes, Philippe Astruc, to France Bleu Armorique.

In the rush, “hoof kicks injured fifteen children, including three who had to be taken care of in absolute urgency”said Professor Louis Soulat, head of Samu 35 and head of the emergency department at the Rennes University Hospital, at the microphone of BFMTV.

Among the 25 children present, sixteen came from Ille-et-Vilaine, three from Maine-et-Loire, one from Mayenne and two from Indre-et-Loire.details France Bleu Armorique.

Two child victims of head trauma

The accident which took place on Tuesday evening caused 17 victims in total: Fifteen children and two animators were injured in the arms and legs. On Wednesday evening, all the victims left the hospitals. alone two young girls were still being cared for: “One has multiple fractures and is in pediatric surgery, the other suffers from head fractures, she is still in intensive care”specifies France Bleu Armorique.

About fifty firefighters and two helicopters deployed

Many emergency services were mobilized. No less than ten ambulances and two helicopters were deployed for this intervention. No less than 45 firefighters were also on site, accompanied by medical teams from Sdis and Smur. “The three most seriously injured children were taken care of at the Sud hospital in Rennes”said Louis Soulat.

The lightly injured were transported to other hospitals. The children were distributed according to their state of gravity in the various hospitals of the department: Vitré, Fougères, Cesson, Saint-Grégoire, and the two facilitators towards the CHU of Pontchaillou, let know Louis Soulat.

The emergency response continued until 2:30 a.m. After medical examinations, several children and the two animators “were able to return home during the night”announced the head of Samu 35. On Wednesday morning, the families of the children who participated in the stay and came out unscathed from the stampede came to pick them up.

The two facilitators heard

An investigation was opened to determine the circumstances of this accident, it was entrusted by the Rennes public prosecutor’s office to the Vitré Research Brigade. Wednesday, thes two supervisors were heard. According to the Rennes prosecutor, “the accident seems to find its cause in part in the dual nature of the activity consisting both in the supervision of the group of children” as well as in “the transit of a large group of animals without procedures to ensure their eventual control”. Philippe Astruc also clarified that all the auditions had been carried out “as a witness without measures of police custody”.

According to the first elements of the investigation, “The children and two companions were taking about twenty ponies to the field. On the way, one of the ponies, probably the lead one, turned around for an undetermined reason, followed by others. In their escape, the animals jostled and knocked down the group“, had indicated the parquet floor of Rennes earlier in the day.

Philippe Astruc indicates that “the investigations focus on verifying compliance with the regulations applicable to the activity in progress at the time of the facts, particularly with regard to the number of supervisors and the diplomas required for this purpose.” And “a first analysis, which will however have to be deepened, concludes that there is insufficient supervision.” According to the law, “one leader is needed for 12 children over the age of 6. At the time of the accident, there were 25 children for 2 leaders”recalls France Bleu Armorique.

A medico-psychological emergency unit set up

The prefecture of Ille-et-Vilaine has also set up a medico-psychological emergency unit for children, parents and staff of the equestrian center. For its part, the town hall said it was ready to welcome families who wish. “It is an equestrian center that has existed for more than twenty years and in which we have never had a problem”, also declared the first deputy mayor of Saint-M’Hervé, Alain Cornée, at the microphone of France Bleu Armorique.

Indeed, according to Philip Astruc, the public prosecutor of Rennes, three visits from the services of the “youth and sports” had been carried out in 2016, 2018 and 2021 for administrative checks: they had “balanced positively”.

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