what we know about the accusations against the senator from the Horizons party

The senator from Loire-Atlantique, suspected of having drugged a woman, was taken into police custody on Thursday in Paris. Ecstasy was found at his Paris home.

Thunderbolt within Edouard Philippe’s party. Horizons senator from Loire-Atlantique, Joël Guerriau, 66, is suspected of drugging a woman. He was taken into custody on Wednesday November 15, franceinfo learned from a source close to the case on Thursday, confirming information from RMC. The senator’s police custody was extended Thursday evening. The Horizons party meets on Saturday to discuss this accusation “terrible”, according to Christophe Béchu, Minister of Ecological Transition and secretary general of the party. Franceinfo summarizes what we know about this affair.

A woman accuses him of drugging her

According to the Paris prosecutor’s office, Joël Guerriau is in police custody for “administering to a person, without their knowledge, a substance likely to impair their discernment or control of their actions to commit rape or sexual assault”. According to the words of a source close to the case to franceinfo, a woman who would be a member of parliament, an element not confirmed by the prosecution, told investigators that she had been invited by Joël Guerriau to his Parisian home on the evening of Tuesday.

After having a drink, she felt unwell and decided to leave the apartment. She then filed a complaint. Her medical tests revealed that she tested positive for ecstasy. She did not mention any sexual facts during her hearing. “We are very far from the scabrous interpretation that can be deduced from reading the first press articles”reacted to AFP Rémi-Pierre Drai, lawyer for the senator.

A confrontation was underway Friday between the senator and the deputy.

Ecstasy found at his home

Joël Guerriau was interviewed by investigators from the 3rd judicial police district. During the search carried out at his home in his presence, a sachet of ecstasy was found. A search also took place in his Senate office, always in his presence. But no drugs were found there. Basically, I will not give any information, not only because I am bound by the secrecy of the investigation, but above all out of respect for my client and for the complainant whose name I am surprised that unlike the one of my client”declared lawyer Rémi-Pierre Drai. The latter was also “outraged to see that elements of the investigation are found in the press”. “So either the prosecution is responsible for this and this scandalizes me once again, or the prosecution has nothing to do with it and then it must question the identity of the author of this violation and investigate.”he added.

Horizons will “discuss this situation”

Christophe Béchu, the Minister of Ecological Transition and Secretary General of the Horizons party, reacted Friday on France Inter: “He obviously cannot stay in the party if there is the slightest doubt about the veracity of all this.” “If the slightest of these elements is true, he will obviously have to draw the consequences. Justice must be as clear as possible”insisted the minister.

“If it’s true, it’s appalling.”

Christophe Béchu, secretary general of the Horizons party

on France Inter

“Tomorrow [samedi] morning at 9 o’clock, we will have a political office. We will have the opportunity to discuss this situation.” declared Christophe Béchu, adding that “the structures, receptions, groups, parties within which [Joël Guerriau] is, will take all appropriate measures to draw the logical consequences of such behavior if it is proven”. For the offense of which he is suspected, Joël Guerriau faces five years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros.

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