what we know about Séverine Longhini’s custody


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The arrest of Séverine Longhini suggests that investigators have reasons to consider her involvement. The new companion is currently in custody at the police station in Gaillac (Tarn). For the 1 p.m. news, our journalist Marie-Candice Delouvrié is on hand to take stock.

Séverine Longhini has been heard since seven in the morning for “concealing a corpse”, in the context of the case of the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar. However, this custody is not the synonym of his implication in the disappearance of the wife of his new companion. “Be careful, this expression does not mean that she may have participated in a murder or an assassination, it can simply mean that she had information, elements, or that she provided moral support to Cédric Jubillar, if as it is that this one is implied in its disappearance “, decrypts our journalist Marie-Candice Delouvrié, who calls for vigilance.

Séverine Longhini’s lawyer affirms that his client denies any involvement in the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar. “She recalls that she met Cédric long after the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, in April, during a beaten”, continues Marie-Candice Delouvrier. For Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers, there is no evidence to incriminate Séverine Longhini, placed in custody for 48 hours.

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