What we know about Peter C., the man charged with “attempted terrorist assassination” in the middle of the Miss Belgium 2023 election!

“An attack was avoided” Saturday, February 11, 2023, in the words used by the federal prosecutor’s office. Eric van der Sijpt, spokesperson for the Belgian federal prosecutor’s office, indicated that an armed man was arrested near the theater which hosted the Miss Belgium 2023 election. He added that the latter had another firearm in his car as well as a bulletproof vest.

This 46-year-old Belgian, “Peter C.” was charged for “terrorist assassination attempt” then imprisoned this Sunday, February 12. The investigating judge decided to place him in pre-trial detention. The suspect was in the company of a woman of Dutch nationality. She was also arrested and presented like him to the investigating judge in Bruges (north-west) in charge of the investigation.“It is not known at this time if she was aware of his plans”said the prosecution.

According to the Flemish public channel TRVthis inhabitant of Lommel (north-east) recently experienced a breakup and “struggles with mental issues”. He had rented a car and bought two tickets for the Miss Belgium evening, one for himself, another for the Dutch girl who was accompanying him. A member of his close entourage to whom he had entrusted this displacement project alerted the police, which led to his arrest, several Flemish media reported.

The suspect’s lawyer, Maître Walter Van Steenbrugge, quoted by the Belga agency, said: “There is no indication that my client had the slightest intention of committing a crime, let alone a terrorist attack”. He added that his client has a valid carry of weapons and that he was carrying these weapons “for his own safety”.

The evening has come to an end

The first arrivals for the event scheduled for 8:30 p.m. were banned from entering the theater until the police could inspect the premises, the Belga agency reported. The ceremony was nevertheless able to take place, starting about an hour late. On his page Facebookthe host of the evening, Gaëtan Bartosz, published a video after the evening: “I was very, very scared going up on stage. I was very, very scared of finding myself as some found themselves at the Bataclan. Even if it was under control, that the police were there. I had very, very fear”, he confided in particular. At the end of the evening, Emilie Vansteenkiste was elected Miss Belgium 2023, succeeding Chayenne van Aarlen.

See also: Denis Brogniart “just c*n”: the former Miss France and columnist of “TPMP” gets involved!


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