what we know about France Travail, the new entity that will replace Pôle emploi from 2024

The France Travail entity will replace Pôle emploi from 2024. A report on France Travail will be submitted to the Minister of Labor on Wednesday. This plan should improve training, professional integration and job search.

“Together, bet on cooperation and social investment rather than yet another institutional mechanism”, can we read in the report devoted to France Travail, which franceinfo was able to consult and which will be submitted on Wednesday April 18 to the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt. France Travail is the new entity, announced by Emmanuel Macron during the presidential campaign, which is to replace Pôle emploi from 2024. To implement the measures of this plan, it will be necessary “to mobilize around 2.3 to 2.7 billion euros in cumulative financing over the period 2024-2026”.

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The “French integration, training and employment team”

According to this report written by Thibaut Guilluy, High Commissioner for Employment and Business Engagement, France Travail must be the “gateway for all job seekers”. This is the leitmotif of the report, which calls for simplifying the procedures for both job seekers and companies with one main objective: to promote cooperation between the actors involved in this sector. According to this report, which will be submitted on Wednesday April 18 to the Minister of Labour, the new entity aims to become the “France team for integration, training and employment“.

Replace employment center

To implement this new method, “Pôle emploi will therefore have to transform into France Travail”in order to organize the “conditions of collaboration and collective efficiency, within the framework of the overall governance provided by the State, the communities and the social partners”.

Thus, the report details the implementation of the “France Travail network”, with the State, local authorities and social partners. In this network, the local missions become “France Youth Work” and Cap employment “France Disabled Work”. According to the report, France Travail’s bet is to “promote a real dialogue between the different actors in order to inform decision-making”. The final objective is not to centralize everything, but to better harmonize the actions of each player with, in particular, the action of a “France Labor Committee” at each level (employment areas, departments, regions).

Reconciling job search and recruitment difficulties

With this new organization France Travail wants to “reveal the employment potential of our country and give everyone the means to access it” but also “significantly reduce unfilled jobs due to a lack of candidates and reduce recruitment times”.

The report denounces the “paradox more and more difficult to understand”with companies that meet “significant difficulties in finding employees with more than 3 million hiring intentions identified in 2023”. On the other side there is “very many people without jobs – some for many years”Who “struggling to find a job”regrets the report.

According to this study, this transformation of Pôle emploi “could have significant macroeconomic effects (“France Travail effect expected in terms of net job creation”), and thus contribute to the objective of achieving full employment by 2027″.

Insertion hours for some RSA recipients

Among the projects of France Travail, the reinforced accompaniment of the recipients of the RSA tested since April. They are 40,000 to be followed by their Pôle Emploi adviser. The executive wants to generalize it by the end of the five-year term, because “we only devote 10% of the budgetary effort to integration and 90% to allocation”regret this study “at the cost of the explosion in the number of people in a situation of exclusion and the related allowance expenditure”. RSA recipients who need it will have to do 15 to 20 hours of integration per week, in the form of training, CV workshops, or work placements. Otherwise, they could lose part of their RSA, 607 euros today for a single person.

This report is the result of 8 months of consultation, with “working groups” And “France Travail meetings in each region organized with the prefects and local authorities”. “More than 200 written contributions from structure managers”but also “more than 130 France Travail territorial meetings since the launch of the mission”, notably in Chartres, Guéret, Tours, Marseille and Vénissieux.

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