what was an anaphylactic shock that caused the actor’s disappearance?



Video length: 2 min

Death of Michel Blanc: What was anaphylactic shock that caused the actor’s disappearance?
The sudden death of Michel Blanc at the age of 72 left his loved ones and admirers stunned. According to those close to him, the actor suffered a heart attack triggered by anaphylactic shock, a violent and rare allergic reaction.
(France 2)

The sudden death of Michel Blanc at the age of 72 left his loved ones and admirers stunned. According to those close to him, the actor suffered a heart attack triggered by anaphylactic shock, a violent and rare allergic reaction.

According to his entourage, Michel Blanc died of anaphylactic shock, the most serious form of an allergic manifestation whose outcome can be fatal. Foods can cause this reaction, such as shellfish, nuts or kiwi. Anaphylactic shock can also be caused by bee venom, certain medications such as aspirin and certain anti-inflammatories, and finally by latex in people exposed at work.

Upon contact with allergens, the immune system can go into overdrive and cause a violent and rapid reaction that can affect vital organs. In the event of symptoms, calling the SAMU is an absolute emergency. Adrenaline is the only effective treatment. Anaphylactic shock is sometimes fatal but only concerns 5% of allergies in France.

Watch the full report in the video above.

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