what topics will be discussed during the president’s televised address?



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President Emmanuel Macron will speak to millions of French people on Tuesday, November 9, during a televised address, in particular to discuss the Covid-19 situation in France. But not only.

It is a moment which is greatly awaited by millions of French people: President Emmanuel Macron’s new televised address, Tuesday, November 9. Among the topics discussed, the Covid-19. But other subjects are expected by the population, including the economic results: “strong growth, falling unemployment, deficit under control, not to mention the recent Youth Guarantee”, lists Jean-Baptiste Marteau, journalist France Télévisions present in front of the Elysée Palace, in Paris.

But will the president dare to announce new reforms during this televised address, as during his previous televised intervention, on July 12, where he had conditioned the pension reform? “to an improvement in the health situation”, specifies Jean-Baptiste Marteau. “‘I do not see him opening new sites for this five-year term'”, would have declared a minister to the journalist France Televisions. These will therefore be campaign themes, in order to prepare the ground for a probable candidacy for the Élysée.

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