what to remember from the interview with Christophe Robert, general delegate of the Abbé Pierre Foundation

Christophe Robert, General Delegate of the Abbé Pierre Foundationwas the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” Sunday April 16, 2023. “Democratic crisis” and housing crisis… He was answering questions from Neila Latrous and Lorrain Sénéchal.

Reforming the country: “We must change methods and change ambitions”

While the president has denied any “democratic crisis in France“, claiming that the pension project had been “carried, explained and assumed“, Christophe Robert believes that “it’s not a matter of words“.”The question is what people experience on a daily basis and who can deny this concern on the social front today?“, he wonders.

Convinced that the country needs reforms”But not just any“, Christophe Robert points the finger “lack of listening” of the government. “This worries us deeply about the ability to take”, he adds. “We cannot change society from the front steps of the Élysée and Matignon. Everyone has to be on board. This is why we must change methods and change ambitions“, summarizes Christophe Robert.

“We are calling for a much greater increase in social minima”

Le Pacte du Pouvoir de vivre, the alliance formed by 64 environmental and social organisations, which Christophe Robert represents, calls “from the next finance bill, to a much greater increase in minimums and social benefits“. “As of April 1, they have increased by 1.6%. What we were asking for is an increase of 5 to 6%, because otherwise it is a loss of purchasing power“, specifies the general delegate of the Abbé Pierre Foundation. According to him, “the emergency is there”.

Taxes: “We tell the president ‘open the tax file'”

Christophe Robert calls “of his wishes”, for more sharing of wealth, that “those with more resources, high assets and high salaries, contribute more to our model of social protection“.

According to an IPSOS poll for the Pact, 74% of French people support the need for greater tax progressivity in order to improve the distribution of wealth in France. “We say to the president ‘open the tax file, open it’!“, he launches, convinced that the argument according to which the increase in taxes of the richest would lead to their flight”does not hold“.

Housing: “It must be the first concern of our leaders”

Furthermore, Christophe Robert regrets that housing, under this presidency, has become “one of the main contributors to the decline in public spending“, with “5 billion euros less budget over the previous five-year period“.”For 5 years, we have cut aid for the production of social housing“, he regrets. “Housing is the main item of expenditure for the French, it must be the first concern of our political leaders“, insists Christophe Robert.

Find the full interview of “8h30 franceinfo” of April 16, 2023 :

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