Strengthening the workforce, prevention and awareness are the key words of Élisabeth Borne’s plan to combat violence against children.
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On the occasion of International Children’s Rights Day on Monday, November 20, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne brought together 11 ministers for an interministerial committee for children. The meeting will lead to the unveiling of the new plan to combat violence against children (the third after those of 2017 and 2020), for the period 2023-2027.
The fight plan, made up of 22 measures, notably provides for significant recruitment of agents in the various emergency and support systems, franceinfo has learned. Matignon also plans to strengthen state action for protected and vulnerable children.
An autonomy pack for young adults leaving child welfare
The government will in particular recruit agents to collect the first testimonies, via 119 (the emergency line for reporting a missing or abused child), via 3018 (the school harassment and cyberharassment line), or even the Signal-cell. Sports (dedicated to the rise of sexual violence in cubs). Added to this, recruitment will be carried out to investigate and dismantle the networks: the office responsible for violence against minors (Ofmin), created this summer, will for example have more than 80 police officers and gendarmes within two years, compared to around thirty today.
Prevention and awareness are also major axes of the executive plan. Each ministry will propose training plans for more than two million professionals who work with children. New sex life education programs will also be rolled out in schools at the start of the next school year. Among the measures, the government is preparing an autonomy pack for young people, who leave the Childhood Social Assistance (ASE) system at the age of 18: an envelope of 1,500 euros will be paid to them automatically and without any formalities.
Better care for child victims of violence
Another announcement, raise awareness among citizens through an annual communication campaign on violence. That of 2024 will focus on violence against children in sport. Concerning health, the plan also plans to ensure better care for child victims of violence. To do this, the government wishes to continue the deployment of pediatric reception units for children in danger (UAPED).
Another point, the generalization of “protected health”, for better monitoring and better support for the health of protected children. The government also plans to double the envelope dedicated to protected children with disabilities, within the framework of State-department contracts. One of the measures also plans to include in health records the 2019 law which prohibits “ordinary violence” such as spanking, for example.
Finally, the control plan also includes the creation of “protected education”. This is a roadmap which notably includes the designation of referents within the ASE but also National Education, systematic orientation interviews and a budget of 15 million euros to initiate and support projects between the State and the departments for the benefit of the education of protected children.
If you are a child in danger, if you are a person who witnesses or suspects sexual violence against a child or if you wish to seek advice, there is a national telephone number for children in danger: 119, open 24/7. The call is free and the number is not visible on telephone bills. It is also possible to send a written message to 119 via the online form or to get in touch via an online chat: For deaf and hard of hearing people, a specific system is available on the website