what to remember from the dialogue between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Poutine?


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Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin spoke for several hours on Monday February 7. In duplex from Moscow (Russia) in the 23 hours of Franceinfo, the journalist Anne Bourse takes stock of this long discussion between the two heads of state.

Monday, February 7 in Moscow (Russia), Emmanuel Macron discussed for several hours with Vladimir Putin about the crisis in Ukraine. The two heads of state then held a press conference to take a step towards lowering diplomatic pressure. In duplex on the spot for the 23 hours of Franceinfo, the journalist Anne Bourse explains on the other hand that we “he also heard divergent points of view, disagreements and not only on the image. Where Emmanuel Macron talks about possible convergences, Vladimir Putin preferred during a whole part of this press conference to return to his concerns, his demands”she points out.

The Russian President notably “stressed again that he does not want an extension of NATO”. On the contrary, he has “admitted that certain ideas of Emmanuel Macron can make it possible to move forward”, reports the journalist. For his part, the French president considers that it is “still possible to find the path to peace, even if he speaks of a somewhat thankless task this evening”, she says. On Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron will go to Kiev (Ukraine) where he will meet the Ukrainian president before going to Berlin (Germany) in the afternoon. “with the German chancellor and the Polish president because this dialogue generates another front. This dialogue with the Russians worries certain countries of Eastern Europe. They fear a certain complacency with Vladimir Putin”concludes Anne Bourse.

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