what to remember from the day of Saturday April 9

“At the same time we always envisage a dialogue.” During a press conference in Kyiv (Ukraine) with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer on Saturday April 9, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Kyiv was “always ready” to negotiate with Moscow. “Ukraine has always said that it is ready for negotiations and will seek any possibility to stop the war. At the same time we unfortunately see preparations for important, some say decisive, battles in the east”did he declare. “We are ready to fight and at the same time seek diplomatic ways to stop this war”, insisted the leader. Here’s what to remember from the day.

kyiv demands “a firm global response” after Kramatorsk

The bombing of the Kramatorsk railway station continued to react on Saturday. Volodymyr Zelensky asked “a firm global response” after this strike Friday in this city in eastern Ukraine (still under Ukrainian control), which killed at least 52 people, including five children, according to a latest report from local authorities. “This is another Russian war crime for which everyone involved will be held accountable.”, said the Ukrainian head of state in a video message. For its part, Moscow has denied any responsibility, denouncing a “provocation” Ukrainian.

“The enemy keeps knocking”

“The Russian enemy continues to prepare to intensify its offensive operations in eastern Ukraine and take full control of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions”in the Donbass, said the general staff of the Ukrainian army on Saturday on Facebook.

As well as continuing to fight for control of the key towns of Mariupol to the south and Izium further north, “the enemy continues to strike with missiles civilian targets throughout Ukraine”said the staff.

Boris Johnson visits Kyiv

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, visiting kyiv on Saturday, pledged to supply Ukraine with armored vehicles and anti-ship missiles, paying tribute to the Ukrainian military for “the greatest feat of arms of the 21st century”. “It is thanks to the unwavering leadership of President Zelensky and the invincible heroism and courage of the Ukrainian people that the monstrous designs of (Vladimir) Putin are foiled”Boris Johnson said after his meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky, according to a press release from his services. “Other countries must follow the example” of the United Kingdom, declared in turn the Ukrainian president.

More than 10 billion euros in aid to Ukraine

An international fundraiser has raised 10.1 billion euros to support Ukraine, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced on Saturday in Warsaw (Poland). “The world finally pledged 9.1 billion euros as part of the campaign (Stand up for Ukraine) (…) In addition, the Commission, together with the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), adds another billion for displaced people in Ukraine. It’s fantastic. So 10.1 billion euros”said the European leader.

Curfew in Odessa

A curfew will be in effect from Saturday evening to Monday morning in Odessa, the major Ukrainian port on the Black Sea, in the face of the “threat” of missile strikes, local authorities announced. After the bombing of Kramatorsk station, “a threat of missile attack looms over Odessa, April 10, 2022. Therefore, a curfew is imposed in Odessa and its region from 9 p.m. on April 9 until 6 a.m. on April 11, 2022 “the regional military administration announced on Friday.

More than 4.4 million refugees

More than 4.4 million refugees have fled Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion of the country, according to figures from the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Europe had not seen such a flood of refugees since the Second World War. The UN also estimates the number of internally displaced people in Ukraine at 7.1 million, according to figures from the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

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