what to remember from September 12

The countries of the European Union have voted for a new regulation, with a budget of 300 million euros, strengthening their defense industry.

The European Parliament, through its vote in plenary session on Tuesday September 12, strengthens the defense industry of the Twenty-seven, while renewing its support for Ukraine. kyiv also learned of aid released by Denmark, the amount of which is around 750 million euros. But the day was especially marked by the arrival of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un in Russia. Here’s what you need to remember.

Kim Jong-un is on an official visit to Russia

Before his announced reunion with Vladimir Putin, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un spoke on Tuesday, during a stop at Khassan station, with Russian Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Alexander Kozlov. The meeting was confirmed by a local governor, Oleg Kojemiako, who greeted the “good message” sent for development “direct contacts with our colleagues in North Korea”.

The meeting between the Russian president and Kim Jong-un could lead, according to the United States, to an arms sale agreement for the benefit of Russia in the war in Ukraine. The two men must discuss “sensitive subjects” agreed Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

The Kremlin has not yet specified either the date or the location of the meeting but it will in all likelihood take place in the Far East, near the border between the two countries. The Russian president only stated that he would soon go to the Vostochny cosmodrome, without specifying the purpose of his trip.

The European Parliament votes to strengthen the defense industry of the Twenty-seven

By 2025, the European defense industry will be strengthened, according to a regulation adopted this Tuesday in Brussels. MEPs voted in this direction in particular to allow member states to better respond to their defense needs, exacerbated since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

This text has a budget of 300 million euros, which will allow at least three member states to receive funding for joint purchases of weapons or ammunition, specifies a press release from Parliament. The European Union will finance up to 20% of these invoices if small businesses are involved or if these orders meet aid needs from Ukraine and Moldova. Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, member states have already together provided military aid of some 20 billion euros to kyiv.

New Danish aid of more than 750 million euros for kyiv

This twelfth donation is “the largest Danish financial contribution to date”, specifies the Minister of Defense, Troels Lund Poulsen, Tuesday in a press release. The precise amount is 777 million euros and these additional resources must be used in particular to finance air defense equipment, ammunition and tanks, again according to the minister.

This announcement follows a visit by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to Denmark. He observed the F-16s there after Washington approved the delivery of these fighter planes to kyiv, after a transit in the Nordic country and the Netherlands.

Romania builds two air raid shelters on its border with Ukraine

This NATO member country has decided to strengthen its security as Russian attacks on Ukrainian ports and infrastructure increase. These ofThese concrete shelters must be used to “protect the population” according to the Romanian army, which has started the construction of air raid shelters in its border region with Ukraine. Drone debris was discovered last week in this part of Romanian territory.

On the other bank of the Danube, Russian attacks are increasing against ports and infrastructure. Romania is part of NATO and these latest attacks are considered “destabilizing” by the secretary general of the alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, according to a post on the X network (formerly Twitter).

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