what to remember from his statements

The French must “to be at the rendezvous of sobriety”. This is the call launched by Emmanuel Macron, Monday, September 5, to avoid rationing this winter by achieving 10% energy savings. “The solution is in our hands”said the Presidentduring a press conference following a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. He called to “change behavior”, “turn the air conditioning down a bit” and “heating a little less strong than usual” when it’s cold. Franceinfo summarizes the main statements of Emmanuel Macron.

France prepared for a scenario of complete cut off of Russian gas

“In a few months, we went from 50% Russian gas to 9% in our mix” energy, quantified the President of the Republic. The goal is to be prepared for a scenario of a complete Russian gas cut”.

French gas for German electricity

France is organizing to be able to deliver more gas to Germany, which will in return be able to bring electricity, Emmanuel Macron announced again during his press conference. “If I had to simplify things, Germany needs our gas and we need the electricity produced elsewhere in Europe and in particular in Germany”, announced the president. “We are going to finalize the gas connections to be able to deliver gas to Germany (…) if there was a need for solidarity”. In return, Berlin “will put itself in a position to produce more electricity and bring it to us in peak situations”.

France for a “European contribution mechanism” on energy super-profits

Emmanuel Macron delivered France’s position on a possible reform of the wholesale electricity market in Europe, saying that it is in favor of the EU imposing a contribution on energy operators who make “undue profits” with soaring wholesale electricity prices on the continent, in unison with Germany.

“We are defending a European contribution mechanism (…), which would therefore be requested from energy operators”, said the Head of State, as the European Commission prepares its own reform plan. “This contribution could then be paid back to the States to finance their targeted national measures”he explained, adding that he also wanted “measures against speculative practices”.

Rather than a national tax on superprofits, France therefore supports a non-fiscal and harmonized mechanism at European level, which would make it possible to recover part of the profits made by electricity producers who produce electricity at low cost but resold to record prices.

France in favor of capping the price of Russian gas

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen estimated on Friday that“it’s about time” to put a cap on the price of gas imported by gas pipeline from Russia, thus supporting a measure advocated by the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi. The French president is on the same wavelength. “If the Commission were to decide to put a ceiling on the price of gas purchased through the gas pipelines from Russia, France would support such a measure”he added.

Emmanuel Macron defends “grouped” gas purchases

Emmanuel Macron also declared himself “favorable to common gas purchasing practices” in Europe, to buy “cheaper”. “This would allow Europe by buying together to buy cheaper”assured the president.

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