what to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s speech

After an Ecological Planning Council, the Head of State announced some new measures, such as a plan for the production of heat pumps, and specified the timetable for numerous executive projects.

It sets the objective of “building a French-style ecology”after having advocated Sunday “an ecology of progress”. Emmanuel Macron brought together the Ecological Planning Council on Monday September 25 at the Elysée. Surrounded by the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, and ministers including Bruno Le Maire, Christophe Béchu and Agnès Pannier-Runacher, he detailed on camera the main axes of the “ecological planning” promised by the executive, long awaited. The head of state claimed a project “which responds to a triple challenge: that of climate change and its consequences, that of a collapse of our biodiversity and that of an end to the abundance and scarcity of our resources.”

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In his speech, Emmanuel Macron recalled or clarified numerous choices already announced, such as the exit from coal, postponed to 2027, or the production “on French soil” one million electric cars by 2027. Measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, responsible for global warming, by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels Which implies that they fall by 5% per year, every year, between 2022 and 2030. If the president’s climate policy is regularly judged “insufficient”notably by the High Council for the Climate in its latest report, the head of government defended his desire to reconcilea climate ambition with more sovereignty, with an industrial strategy and with job creation”. Here is what we can learn from his words.

A new timetable for implementing measures

“The next few weeks will be marked by the implementation of everything we said to each other”, assured Emmanuel Macron during his speech. A strategy for the protection of biodiversity will notably be presented in October, and a plan on adaptation is planned for December.

Emmanuel Macron also promised to announce, in October, a resumption of “control of the price of our electricity” for it to be “sustainable both for our businesses and for our households”, in a context of inflation. While a battle of numbers opposes EDF and the State over the future regulation of electricity, the president wants tariffs “compatible” with the requirements of “competitiveness” and give “visibility for both households and our industrialists”. A thermal renovation strategy for buildings in social housing must also be launched in October.

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The decarbonization plans for 50 priority industrial sites will be “signed at the end of October, beginning of November”. Period during which a public debate will also be launched on the deployment of offshore wind power. The leasing system at 100 euros per month, this electric car rental offer promised during his campaign, will be “revealed” next November. “It will only be, for the year 2024, a few tens of thousands of models”, he said on Monday, to give the French and European sector time to gain momentum in the face of Chinese models.. Finally, a “energy production law” will be announced in December.

COPs in each region “from October”

“We want an ecology that is territorialized”, defended Emmanuel Macron. The Head of State wants to draw inspiration from the model of the Conferences of the Parties (COP), which bring together actors from around the world every year, to apply it in France at the local level. From October, a Conference of the Parties will be organized “in each region”details the updated plan of the General Secretariat for Ecological Planning, consulted by franceinfo. “The objective of each of the COPs will be to regionally define the levers of action making it possible to comply with national objectives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions”, can we read.

“The regional network (…) will be made responsible. Our municipalities will have a very important role to play”, the president argued Monday, also citing “our intermunicipalities, agglomerations and departments”.

An envelope of 700 million euros for the 13 “metropolitan RER”

A few days after details given on the financing of the ecological transition, Emmanuel Macron added that the State was going to contribute 700 million euros to the construction of 13 metropolitan RERs. “We selected 13 projects. And [sur] these metropolitan RERs, we are committing today 700 million euros from the State to support the projects”promised the head of state. “From October”, THE “State-region plan contracts” will be signed in this framework, he added.

One million heat pumps produced in France by 2027

France will have to produce “a million heat pumps” by the end of the five-year term, announced the Head of State, who wishes to triple the current manufacturing rate. “We decided (…) to develop an industrial sector for the production of heat pumps”he claimed, touting them as “a formidable lever of substitution, much less consumer and emitter” than a traditional heating method. A plan that requires “of train 30,000 installers in parallel”declared the President of the Republic.

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