what to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s speech

Deprived of his majority to the National Assembly since the second round of legislative elections,he Head of State considers that we must “learn to govern and legislate differently” to “building compromises”.

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It was his first public statement since the second round of the legislative elections which have priveted by its absolute majority. Emmanuel Macron addressed the French in a recorded speech to discuss the recomposition of the Assembly and call on the opposition to compromiseWednesday, June 22 at 8 p.m.

The Head of State first said that he could not “ignore strong abstention” noted during the ballot, nor “the deep divisions that cross our country and are reflected in the composition” of the National Assembly. He took note of the main result of the last elections, which only granted a relative majority to Together! : “no political force today can make the laws alone”“as in most Western democracies”he pointed out.

Faced with a divided Assembly, Emmanuel Macron estimated that “we must collectively learn to govern and legislate differently”with a “coalition contract” Where “by building a majority text by text”. After polling members of all parties represented in this new Assembly on Tuesday and Wednesday, the President declared that “most have ruled out the possibility of a government of national unity”which he himself considers “not justified to date”.

The Head of State has therefore called the other political parties at “clarify the part of responsibility [qu’elles] are ready to take for “building compromises” with the presidential majority. “It is up to the political groups to say in complete transparency how far they are ready to go”added Emmanuel Macron, who will be monopolized by a series of international commitments in the coming days, including the European Council from Thursday. “As soon as I return, we will begin to build this method and this new configuration”concluded the President.

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