what to put on your plate in the spring?

Beginning on March 20, spring is the season of renewal: the leaves grow back, the gardens regain their beautiful colors, the animals show the tip of their noses, the temperatures rise…

But it’s also a sign of renewal on your plates: no more raclettes and fondues, make way for good seasonal products!

Seasonal vegetables

Can be prepared in different ways, seasonal vegetables are everyday allies. Fresh, canned or even frozen, enjoy nutrient-rich spring vegetables!

You don’t know what to buy at the market gardener? Opt for black radishes, peas, lentils, spinach, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage or even green beans.

Something to vary the pleasures!

Seasonal fruits

With winter, our vitamin intake is much lower. To overcome this problem, it is important to replenish vitamin stocks as soon as spring arrives. Apples, bananas, strawberries, grapefruit, rhubarb, cherries… The fruits filling our stalls in this season are numerous, and above all delicious!

Ideal for your dear little blond heads!

Fresh aromatic plants

As for aromatic plants, you are also spoiled for choice! To enhance your dishes, you can add garlic, sage, thyme…

In addition, aromatic herbs are easy to grow, even on a window sill!

Seasonal meats & fish

Meat and fish also have seasons, which depend on the reproduction rate of each species.

To preserve species, buy lamb, beef, pork, chicken and veal from a producer or butcher instead. On the sea side, make delicious recipes based on scallops, hake, sea bream, cod, herring or salmon.

What to fill up with iron and omega-3!


Finally, the cheeses! In spring, prefer short-aged cheeses, such as Camembert, Brie, Maroilles, or Reblochon. Indeed, the grass is fresh and the pastures are flowery in the spring, which provides quality milk!

Something to satisfy those nostalgic for raclettes!


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