what to expect in the next few days?

Five departments are still on heatwave orange vigilance this Monday evening. The heat peak is expected on Wednesday. Nevertheless, “intensity and duration” of this heat wave “will be less than those of the previous episode”, indicates Meteo France. What should we expect?

On Tuesday, temperatures will be stable in the southeast compared to Monday. Météo France notes 36 to 38°C in the departments placed in orange vigilance, with peaks at 39°C towards the Gard, where several fires have broken out, in the midst of a severe drought.

On the other hand, temperatures will gain two degrees in the southwest on Tuesday. This strong heat will spread “over many regions” during the days of Tuesday and Wednesday and in particular to go up on the northern half. This Tuesday, it will be 31 to 34°C from Charentes and Pays de la Loire to Burgundy-Franche-Comté and Alsace.

At the scale of France, “the heat peak is expected between Wednesday and Thursday” with highs often greater than or equal to 35°C and peaks at 39 or 40°C in the southwest.

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