What to expect if the nurse’s body is never found?

The facts date back to the night of December 15 to 16, 2020. More than a year ago now, Delphine Jubillar disappeared in Cagnac-les-Mines in the Tarn. Despite extensive research, the investigation stalled. However, the indictment of the young woman’s companion will push the police to undertake new excavations. According to the latest information from TF1, hectares of land are examined with a fine-tooth comb and ” exceptional means were deployed in an effort to track down the nurse.

Unfortunately, the more the days pass, the more the loved ones of the disappeared lose hope. For some of them, the body of Delphine Jubillar may never be found. For his part, Ronan Folgoas, journalist and author of the book “The Jubillar Mystery” spoke on this subject during a report dedicated to this affair broadcast during the 8 p.m. of TF1 ” The absence of a body weighs. That is to say that there is no absolute certainty that a homicide has indeed taken place and that, it is true that it is a bit problematic “.

It has been more than 9 months since Cédric Jubillar, husband of the nurse, has been held in pre-trial detention. Despite yet another request for release, the investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal refuses to negotiate. Me Laurent Boguet, the children’s lawyer, is awaiting the opening of a murder trial. ” The one against whom a certain number of serious and concordant indications have been gathered is Cédric Jubillar. This set of clues will have to be debated before an Assize Court so that, in the name of intimate conviction, justice in our country can be rendered. “, Reports the latter in the 20h.

But if Delphine Jubillar’s body is never found, her husband could end up being acquitted. Such was the case of Jacques Viguier, in 2009. At the time, the suspect was on trial for the murder of his wife who disappeared 9 years earlier. Me Alexandre Martin, lawyer for Cédric Jubillar, tries to draw a parallel. ” In both cases, there is a complete lack of evidence, a complete lack of a crime scene, and ultimately a man after years and years of proceedings who has been acquitted twice. We can’t help but bring these two cases together. “.


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