what to expect for the mobilization day on Tuesday, March 28?

The unions hope to repeat the success of the March 23 mobilization on Tuesday.

“Social mobilization is increasing, it’s time to withdraw!”, enthused the inter-union in a communicated released on Friday. Building on the success of the 9th day of mobilizationthe unions are calling for a new day of strikes and demonstrations against the pension reform project, Tuesday, March 28.

“While the executive seeks to turn the page, (…) this social and union movement, sustainable and responsible, confirms the determination of the world of work and youth to obtain the withdrawal of the reform”, believe the professional organizations. Franceinfo takes stock of what we know about the state of mobilization in the various sectors concerned by the movement.

Disruptions expected in transport

THE “railroaders don’t give up”, warns a leaflet signed by the CGT, UNSA-Ferroviaire, SUD-Rail and CFDT railway federations, which are calling for a massive strike on March 28. As a result, traffic will be “strongly disturbed”, warns the SNCF.

>> Strike against pension reform: SNCF plans “disturbed” traffic on Monday, on the eve of the tenth day of mobilization

On the RATP side, traffic will also be “very disturbed“Tuesday on the RER network, with an average of one train out of two on lines A and B, for the 10th day of mobilization against the pension reform, the RATP announced on Sunday. In the Paris metro, the disturbances should be less than last week, even if the majority of lines will experience reductions in train frequency and/or timetable restrictions.

>> Strike against the pension reform: the RATP plans “disturbed” traffic on Tuesday, for the tenth day of mobilization

No station closures are planned due to the strike. In addition to lines 1 and 14, which are automated, lines 3 bis, 7 bis and 9 will operate normally, and the circulation of buses and trams should not be disrupted.

Due to an air traffic controllers strike, there Directorate General of Civil Aviation predicts disrupted traffic from Monday March 27 in the evening until Thursday March 30 at 6 am, departing from and arriving at Paris-Orly, Marseille-Provence, Bordeaux and Toulouse airports.

Strikers expected in National Education

On the side of National Education, theinter-union intends to renew the strike on March 28 in schools and high schools. In a statement, the CGT Educ’action also calls on staff to support student mobilizations and to refuse any police repression against them.

Expected mobilization in the energy, docks and garbage collection sectors

Other industrial and service sectors are expected to be affected. The National Federation of Ports and Docks CGT (PDF file) calls on port workers and dockworkers to a 24-hour strike on March 28. Renewable work stoppages of 4 hours in the ports over a time slot between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. are announced from March 27.

The CGT Mines Énergie also calls for mobilization on March 28 by continuing and expanding the renewable strike on all the working tools of the profession: “nuclear sites, hydraulic dams, gas storage units, LNG terminals”

The garbage workers’ strike that has been going on for three weeks is expected to continue. “The situation is not about to improve” in Paris, said Saturday on franceinfo Natacha Pommet, general secretary of the CGT Public Services. ATWhile the strike was until now mainly the prerogative of the garbage collectors of the City of Paris, who manage the collection of half of the districts of the capital, it could extend to private service providers where negotiations were underway on Sunday. A strike notice was notably filed by the CGT for the company Polyreva Derichebourg, based in La Courneuve (Seine-Saint-Denis) and which handles the collection of the 9th and 18th arrondissements.

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