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Monday, December 27, the government meets for a new health defense council. While the number of positive cases in Covid-19 increases sensiblyt, le President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, must make strong choices.
For the executive, the first issue concerns the isolation of positive cases and contact cases. Currently, a person positive for the virus must isolate themselves for 10 days. Cases contacts of the Omicron variant must be isolated for 7 days and cases contacts a member of the same household must, for their part, confine themselves for 17 days. Regulations that could be relaxed, in order to avoid a paralysis of the French economy in early January. Bernard Cohen-Hadad, a member of the Ile-de-France SME confederation, explains that certain trades cannot be done remotely and that the deadlines imposed for cases contacts may block some businesses.
Among the other measures envisaged, a curfew imposed for the end of the year or a postponement of the start of the school year. Measures that are demanded by some members of the medical profession. “At the start of the school year, the Omicron variant will circulate, especially in unvaccinated people including children.“, Explain the Pr Philippe Amouyel, epidemiologist at Lille University Hospital (North). At four month presidential election, imposing excessively restrictive measures could cost Emmanuel Macron dearly. If vaccination does not seem to pose real problems for the majority of opinion, possible liberticidal measures are not really unanimous among the French population, explains the Benjamin Morel.