What to expect after the Sanitary Defense Council?


France 2 screenshot

Article written by

M. Arribe, F. Prabonnaud, C. Ricco – France 2

France Televisions

On Boxing Day, the government is faced with an inevitable question: should we review our health measures? As the Omicron variant is growing at breakneck speed, a Health Defense Council meets on Monday, December 27. Several tracks are on the table.

While there are more than 100,000 contaminations per day and a rapid spread of the Omicron variant, what measures could the government announce at the end of the Sanitary Defense Council scheduled for Monday, December 27? Lighter isolation would be under consideration. Today is seven days when we are in contact with Omicron and 17 if we share the home of the infected person. But the risk is the paralysis of the economy.

A positive person infects about ten people. At a current rate of 100,000 positives per day, there would therefore be a million daily contact cases. The country would therefore end up with several million sick leaves at the same time. It is a strategy that the government could change. The other track considered: a super pass. The current health pass could be replaced by a vaccination pass. Testing will no longer be possible. To validate it, it will be necessary to have received its three doses of vaccine. But it could be supplemented by a super pass in high-risk places such as stadiums, concert halls or nightclubs: three doses of the vaccine with a negative test.


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