what to do with your Christmas tree after the holidays?

The same question comes up every year after the holidays: what to do with the Christmas tree? A few weeks ago you might have chosen a beautiful natural tree green and well supplied. But on this Thursday, January 6, it starts to dry and every morning you pick up a carpet of thorns with the brush. The time has come to get rid of this tree. But there are rules.

The most obvious option: the recycling center

In France leave your tree in the street (or on the sidewalk next to your garbage) is prohibited by law. This gesture could also cost you dearly since the “illegal dumping of garbage” can be punished bya fine ranging from 35 euros to 150 euros.

The easiest way to get rid of your tree is to take him to the recycling center the closest. Some garden centers also collect the trees of their customers after the holidays.

Fir crushing operations

In Creuse there are also operations which allow to give a “useful” end to your tree. For several years, the Evolis 23 waste manager has therefore been organizing fir crushing operations. This year, 32 towns participate in this initiative.

The municipalities that join the project set up a collection point where each inhabitant can bring their Christmas tree. In a few weeks, Evolis 23 will travel to each municipality with a crusher to make small chips of fir trees.

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This shredded material can reach your composter or be used in green spaces from the community. Last year the operation made it possible to grind more than 600 trees, or 6 tons of plants.

Give your tree to a goat breeder

There are other ways to make your tree profitable to the end: you can for example feed it to goats. Biquettes love the thorns of fir trees: in a few days they leave only the branches and the trunk.

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Certain breeders in Creuse are therefore looking for Christmas trees. for their flock. Pierre-Henri Delfau, the manager of the dashing pony goat farm in Azérables, would like for example to recover some around twenty. If you want to give him yours, you have to call him before going. His contact details are here.

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