In some countries, estimates will be published as early as 6 p.m. Regarding the vote in France, you will have to wait until 8 p.m.
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The verdict at the polls is eagerly awaited on Sunday June 9, both in France and in other European countries. Nearly 373 million voters spread across 27 member states are called to vote – some since Thursday – to elect 720 new MEPs, including 81 in France, who will sit in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and Brussels. From what time will the first results be available? Franceinfo explains everything to you.
From 6 p.m., estimates in certain countries
European rules govern the dissemination of electoral results. Initial figures, based on estimates of results and exit polls, will be published from 6 p.m. in countries where voting has ended. This will particularly be the case for Austria, Germany, Cyprus, Ireland, Malta and the Netherlands. Some countries will also release partial results as counting progresses.
At 8 p.m., estimates in France and a projection in seats of the European Parliament
French media, including franceinfo with the Ipsos institute, will broadcast estimates from 8 p.m., once the last polling station has closed. They will then be refined as the evening progresses. Estimates for the results in Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia and Denmark are expected to be released at the same time. The Ministry of the Interior will communicate partial results at this time, as the ballots are counted.
For its part, the European Parliament plans to communicate a projection of the new Parliament around 8:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. “based on national estimates”.
At 11 p.m., the first final results
The final results for each country will be communicated from 11 p.m. by the Member States. This time was not chosen at random: it corresponds to the closing of the last polling stations on the continent, in this case in Italy, where the first estimates will therefore not be known before that time.
The European Parliament will then take the opportunity to update its projection of the future hemicycle. This will be refined again during the night. In France, the Interior Ministry will communicate the final results “during the following week”.