what the star of “Chouchou” thinks of “iel” and why he is so “afraid” for the future of France!

Since his debut as a comedian, the world has changed. Whether in the positive or the negative, time changes things and the thoughts of some and Gad Elmaleh realizes it like everyone else. If, in the past, it was difficult for LGBTQIA + people to fully assume themselves in the street and not suffer the malevolent looks of the people they met, today they have many more rights than before and are finally considered like everyone else, as they always should have been. Admittedly, there is still a long way to go and some should live a little less like in the Middle Ages… but it is clear that thoughts are changing in the right direction.

However, with these changes, certain things can no longer be said today. On this subject, Gad Elmaleh was precisely questioned by Nikos Aliagas in 50’Inside. The actor evoked one of his first roles in the cinema in Pet and explained that, even today, French people challenged him in the street with his famous line. “What I’m told almost every day of my life is I love sushi”, he reveals at first. A strange fact, especially since he would never have bet on this line at the start: “It’s crazy it’s completely beyond you because I really hadn’t bet on it, it was just a line in the scene and in the whole film. But why the people on the sushi… Why?”.

A hilarious movie that could have never existed

Always about PetNoé’s dad, who recently found love, confided that releasing such a film today would be a bit complicated. “Afterwards, I really wonder whether Chouchou would have had the same reception today”he admits to Nikos Aliagas who recognizes that the current context could be an obstacle to the feature film.

“Maybe we should have…maybe take precautions I’m sure”he notes before acknowledging that a few years ago “we were very very free”. “It was important to me that Chouchou be someone real, who has a heart and who has a real… It’s a real tragedy for her not to be able to live her life, her sexuality”… he continues before pausing and concluding: “As he/she sees fit. See, I’m scared now”. Gad Elmaleh, then making it clear, by his last sentence, that we can no longer place people in a defined category and that the use of certain terms must now be very thoughtful.

To see also: “I would have liked so much that you saw the film…”, Gad Elmaleh announces this morning the death of a French actor


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