The plan also includes measures to help the families of soldiers injured in overseas operations.
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The Secretary of State for Veterans and Remembrance, Patricia Miralles presents Wednesday, May 10 a support plan for injured soldiers and their families. It revolves around two axes, according to information from franceinfo: strengthening the supply of care and simplifying administrative procedures.
>> REPORT. “If it hadn’t been for this support, I wouldn’t be here to tell you about it”: at the heart of an “Athos” house which welcomes soldiers who are victims of post-traumatic stress
The plan places an important part in the treatment of the psychological wounds linked to the war. According to the Cabinet of Veterans Affairs and Memory joined by franceinfo, more than 3,000 French soldiers suffer from post-traumatic symptoms, after years of missions in Africa or the Middle East.
“Athos” houses
Between now and 2030, the government intends to create six new “Athos” houses, psycho-social rehabilitation schemes, including 1 to 2 in Overseas France, compared to four today (in Bordeaux, Toulon, Aix-les-Bains and in Morbihan). These are places of life, not medicalized, with manual, sports and artistic activities so that these soldiers suffering from post-traumatic disorders can rebuild themselves psychologically, in the best possible conditions. In addition, a rehabilitation center of the National Institution of the Invalids will soon be inaugurated, to teach wounded soldiers to live with their injuries, by welcoming them after their hospitalization.
In order to simplify the administrative procedures for wounded soldiers, the government intends to create a digital safe, a sort of France connect for wounded soldiers. All the documents issued by the administration will be automatically stored there and the soldier will no longer have to provide them during the procedures.
This government plan also provides for specific measures for military families: for example, they will be entitled to awareness sessions on the eve of the return of their loved ones from OPEX and to respite stays. The payment of an income supplement to family caregivers must also be made more flexible.