what the final text of the amending finance bill contains

Monetization of RTT, back-to-school bonus, biometric vital card… The joint joint committee reached a compromise on Wednesday August 3 for the portfolio of the French.

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Start of vacation for parliamentarians from Thursday, August 4, once the amending finance bill has been definitively adopted. The joint joint committee reached a compromise on Wednesday August 3 to support the purchasing power of the French. We present the main measures to you.

Possible monetization of RTTs until December 31, 2025

The government and the senators were torn on this point: the first wanted the conversation of the RTT in salary to be limited in time, only until 2023, while the last wanted to perpetuate the device. In joint joint committee, the parliamentarians cut the pear in two: the measure will finally be effective until the end of 2025. Concretely, until this date, employees will be able to be paid their RTT rather than ask them.

Extension of the back-to-school bonus

The Senate had abolished the exceptional back-to-school aid for recipients of social minima. Disputes in the ranks of the government and elected representatives of the left: reserving the back-to-school bonus only for the beneficiaries of the activity bonus, and therefore for the most modest workers, amounts to excluding nearly four million people. The senators and deputies have come to an agreement in order to help all the most modest workers: an envelope of 100 million euros will be provided for them, i.e. 2.8 million more people who will not receive the check for 100 euros but a lower exceptional payment.

600 million euros more for local authorities

This measure satisfies both right and left. To compensate for the 4% increase in the RSA, paid to recipients by the departments, and to help communities finance the increase in the index point for territorial civil servants, an additional budget of 600 million euros will be allocated to local communities.

Implementation of a biometric vital card

Right-wing senators won their case. A biometric vital card, supposed to limit fraud, will be put in place.

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