what the agreement between La France insoumise and Europe Ecologie-Les Verts contains

A left soon reconciled? La France insoumise and Europe Ecologie-Les Verts concluded, on the night of Sunday May 1 to Monday May 2, an agreement presented as historic for the legislative elections of next June. This is the second compromise found by Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party for this election, after fruitful negotiations with the small Generation.s movement. Here is what makes up the common ground of LFI and EELV, the two left-wing parties having won the most votes in the first round of the presidential election.

>> Legislative 2022: follow the latest news on the negotiations between LFI and the left-wing parties live

A new name for a “New Union”

In a joint press release, the two formations record the birth of a “common banner”, baptized “New popular ecological and social union”. Without blending into the same party, it is a question of campaigning under common colors, while preserving the specificities and“autonomy” of each party. The name chosen testifies to the balance of power in these negotiations, since it is inspired by the Popular Union behind which the “rebellious” led the presidential campaign.

“To bring plurality to life, we will build a campaign parliament bringing together political forces and personalities from the trade union, associative, cultural and intellectual worlds”, specify LFI and EELV. Here again, we find the “rebellious” paw, on the model of the Parliament of the Popular Union set up by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The two parties add that this alliance must survive the legislative campaign, with in particular a future “intergroup” which will aim to make the parliamentary groups of the parties involved work together.

A common program base

Despite their differences, LFI and EELV highlight their “common programmatic objectives”which will serve as a basis for the next writing of a “shared government program of several hundred proposals”. The candidates who will present themselves under the banner of the “New popular ecological and social union” will thus defend the passage of the minimum wage to 1,400 euros net (against 1,302.64 euros currently), retirement at 60 “for all”the freezing of prices on basic necessities, the establishment of a minimum income for young people called “autonomy guarantee” and “poverty eradication”.

The statement also mentions “the implementation of a real ecological planning” and “the establishment of a Sixth Republic”. Above all, a long passage is devoted to the European Union, one of the main points of contention between the two parties. The compromise reached emphasizes that “France cannot have as its policy either the exit from the Union, nor its disintegration, nor the end of the single currency”. On the other hand, in accordance with LFI’s wishes, it will be necessary to be “prepared to disobey certain European rules (in particular economic and budgetary)” to allow the application of the program.

A division of constituencies

The text published by “rebellious” and environmental officials remains vague on the electoral agreement reached. “We want to elect deputies in a majority of constituencies”he eludes, while explaining the objective of offering LFI the “largest group in the Assembly”. “In this perspective, the Prime Minister would be (…) Jean-Luc Mélenchon” in case of cohabitation, it is underlined.

According to an internal document consulted by France Télévisions, 100 constituencies, out of a total of 577, would be reserved for EELV, with a good chance of victory in about thirty of them. Ecologists could thus form a group in the National Assembly (a minimum of 15 deputies is required), which was not the case during the last five-year term. Personalities like the national secretary of EELV Julien Bayou, the ex-finalist of the environmental primary Sandrine Rousseau or the ex-“walker” Aurélien Taché have the free way on the left in their respective constituencies.

A desire to expand the union of the left

La France insoumise and Europe Ecologie-Les Verts are committed to giving “all means to ensure that the discussions started with the other forces are successful”. Negotiations with the Socialist Party will continue from Monday 2 May. A three-way format will be held at midday, said Julien Bayou on BFMTV. The Communist Party also wants to find a compromise to join the emerging alliance. “I hope that we too will manage to conclude this agreement today, during the day, in the evening, at night if necessary”declared the leader of the movement, Fabien Roussel, Monday morning on franceinfo.

The founders of the “New popular ecological and social union” want to complete their transfer window by the end of the week. By finalizing this enlargement as soon as possible, we could hold a joint launch event on Saturday May 7″, they write. The first round of legislative elections is scheduled for June 12.

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