What should you do if your electricity supplier announces a price increase?

In some cases our supplier even accompanies his letter with a suggestion: change supplier, that is to say..

And it’s true that since this summer you can find bad news in your mailbox: the increase in the price of our subscription, and sometimes a second bad news: a salty bill.

This is what happened to the inhabitants of a district of Strasbourg

In the south-west of the Alsatian city, Elsau district: residents have received a billing reminder for heating from their supplier “Strasbourg Energie”. From a few hundred euros per year their bill rose to 1000, 4000 and even 9000 euros in one case! It’s a massive blow…

Consumers are pushed to the wall

The testimonies follow one another and resemble each other: consumers who had chosen an alternative supplier, with soaring prices, the bill also flies away. So much so that some operators even suggest that their client leave, the Spanish Iberdrola has even terminated thousands of contracts in France itself.

So what do we do if we receive a letter from our supplier telling us that we owe a large sum and that the rates will now be much more expensive?

On the bill to pay : if you have subscribed to a contract indexed to wholesale prices or your supplier has notified you in advance of the price change: you will have to pay…You can of course ask for a schedule but you will have to pay in all cases. On the other hand, if you have a fixed or regulated price contract and an increase is applied to you without warning you: you can contest: do not pay above all, send a registered letter indicating that you do not agree.

The right to terminate

You should know that there is a rule applicable to everyone: you can terminate your electricity contract when you want and without notice, so if your usual supplier starts to charge very high prices, it means that he is suffering from the increase in wholesale energy prices and pass them on to you. In this case, like many people: direction EDF, its regulated tariffs, the tariff shield…

Structures to get help

Associations can accompany you to help you or advise you if you are looking to see clearly: the UFC what to choose and its local branches throughout France. Others can also help you save energy if you don’t know where to start. Like the Gaia association in Belfort which even intervenes in companies or in schools.

Do you know a way to save money, or earn more money? Contact Valère Corréard.

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