What should we remember from the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden?



Video length: 1 min

American presidential election: what should we remember from the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden?
American presidential election: what should we remember from the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden?

The presidential campaign is in full swing in the United States. The televised debate between outgoing President Joe Biden and his Republican opponent Donald Trump took place on the evening of Thursday June 27.

Barely a glance was exchanged between the two candidates before entering the arena to face off. During the debate on Thursday June 27, Donald Trump and Joe Biden had 90 minutes to tip the scales in their favor. From the start, the outgoing president seemed lost and weakened, he even struggled for words on several occasions. His voice, sometimes barely audible, was mocked by Donald Trump.

The former president appeared rather calm and controlled. In particular, he repeatedly addressed his favorite subject: immigration. “We are currently living in a rat’s nest, these people are killing”thunders Donald Trump. The latter has never clearly said that he will accept the result of the election. On the question of age, his response was surreal: “I won two golf tournaments and not even in the senior category”Joe Biden emerged as the big loser in this debate and left many questions hanging about his ability to govern.

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