Video length: 2 min.
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Emmanuel Macron will speak on Wednesday March 22 in the television news of France 2 and TF1, where he will return in particular to the adoption of the pension reform. Live from the Élysée, Anne Bourse takes stock of the latest trends in this expected speech.
A speech expected by many French people. Emmanuel Macron will speak on Wednesday March 22 in the television news of France 2 and TF1. “The interview should last about half an hour. It will be devoted almost exclusively to pensions”informs Anne Bourse. “In speaking in the 13 Hours newspaper, the president chooses a less solemn form than a speech and he also addresses the regions very broadly”continues the journalist.
Explain to the French the reasons for this reform
“Basically, he is going to reconsider his choice. Explain why this reform is being carried out, say that now that it has been adopted, it will succeed and that there is no question of backing down. On the political level, no major upheavals for the time being, Elisabeth Borne saved her place yesterday but the Head of State will also talk about the following: agenda, methods, to set a new roadmap”also says Anne Bourse.