what she “hates” about him

At 74, she goes on tour again, with “Hasta Luego!” from January 2024. And Véronique Sanson was a few weeks ago on the set of “The Secret Song”, the TF1 show hosted by his friend Nikos Aliagas. To pay tribute to him, his son, Christopher aged 49, teamed up with his sister, Violaine, and with Zaz. A great moment of emotion.

“Ruthless with him about the piano

About her only child, Véronique Sanson is full of praise. For her, the fact that he became a musician, “it’s obvious with artist parents” like hers. The singer of “Need anyone” assures: “music, he had it in him. He was 4 or 6 months old when Stephen Stills [son mari de 1973 à 1980, ndlr]

took him to Wembley with his American band Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.

And added: “Incredibly, Christopher made it to Wembley in his father’s arms. He loves his father’s music. He was influenced by his sounds“. Véronique Sanson admits for her part that she was “ruthless with him about the piano. He couldn’t cut it!” she says.

In fact, she remembers: “he was also influenced by the music that I introduced him to. Especially the classic, it’s very important. I taught him Chopin, Gershwin, so that he had as broad a musical culture as possible.”. In terms of discipline, the proud mother was vigilant and confided: “I was making him work his fingers, I kept asking him to do it again. Now I blame myself!”

“I hate that”

And if today, she loves when he accompanies her on stage (our photo dates from the Francofolies festival in La Rochelle, in 2018), there is one thing that Véronique Sanson cannot stand from her offspring. She “hated” when he sings in French, she admits. And for good reason, she recalls: “It’s not his language. His mother tongue is English!”


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