Video length: 2 min
Legislative elections 2024: what scenarios after July 7?
Absolute majority, minority government, technical government… What are the possible scenarios after the election of the new National Assembly on July 7?
(France 2)
Absolute majority, minority government, technical government… What are the possible scenarios after the election of the new National Assembly on July 7?
After the second round of legislative elections on Sunday, July 7, what will the government look like? First, in the event of an absolute majority. To do this, it is necessary to obtain at least 289 seats. The new majority will be in a strong position to impose its Prime Minister, but not necessarily to appoint the entire government. The appointment to Defense and Foreign Affairs is the subject of negotiation “a little bigger”judges a specialist. “The head of state does not appoint just anyone to these ministries”he adds. But the future majority can also be forced into a coalition. This would be the case, for example, if the RN obtained a relative majority. It would then have to come to an agreement with right-wing deputies if it wants to govern.
Another possibility: an alliance ranging from the new Popular Front to the right. In both cases, compromises will have to be found on radically different programs. Finally, the last possibility is that of a technical government if no one obtains a clear majority. In this case, Emmanuel Macron can appoint a team responsible for dealing with current affairs, but without any real room for maneuver, particularly on the budget. He must then rely on the administration.