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For this presidential campaign under Covid-19, applicants will have to take into account the health instructions in force since the start of the pandemic.
This year, the presidential candidates will have to deal with the unprecedented constraint of Covid-19, who will invite himself to the meetings. On the set of “Sunday in politics”, Fabien Roussel, the candidate of the PCF, spoke about the sanitary conditions that he would put in place during his first meeting, which will be held on February 6 in Marseille. During this event, he will unveil the main lines of his program.
Fabien Roussel claims to have taken all steps to secure this event. “Indoors, respecting a distance between each participant”, he said live on France 3. “We will distribute a mask FFP2 to all those who want to come. These will truly be the best sanitary rules that we can guarantee “, at ended the candidate of Communist Party of France.