what safety on the ski slopes?



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After the fatal accident of actor Gaspard Ulliel in the Savoyard resort of La Rosière, which occurred Wednesday January 19, we are once again wondering about safety in the ski areas. Each year, more than 2,000 collisions require the intervention of emergency services.

Banners to secure the slopes and encourage people to slow down. Every day, trackers intervene to slow down the flow of skiers at the resort of La Plagne (Savoy). Speed ​​is more important today than ever at 20 years, with slopes leveled every evening and more efficient skis. Throughout the season, the station lists all the rescue services on software, making it possible to map the places at risk. “We try to react during the winter, by adding signage, and later in the summer to do improvement work”, explains Jean-Paul Montmayeur, responsible for runway safety.

For skiers, a simple tool can limit the risks: helmet. Dr. Francois Clamadieu encourages athletes to wear one systematically. “Studies show that it reduces the risk of head trauma by 35%. On average, every winter in France, the emergency services count about ten deaths following head traumas occurring on the ski slopes.

Among Our Sources:

Report of the National Mountain Safety Observation System (SNOSM), assessment of fatal accidents in ski areas

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